Kingdom of the Gogs Book

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Kingdom of the Gogs

The series about a young boy on the autism spectrum who feels outcast and different. Traveling to the birth country of his mother. A magical journey that forever changes him...

Kingdom of the Gogs is now available on
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Written by R.K. Donne
Available in English
Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Inc
ISBN-10 : 1098051327  |  ISBN-13 : 978-1098051327

Brodie's Journey

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Brodie’s magical journey of curiosity, mysterious and challenging tasks.  Brodie (a small boy), Grub (a grouchy changeling), and Kol (a mischievous Welsh mining goblin) out to prevent a power-hungry wizard named Dayton from attaining a magical dragon scale that lands in Brodie’s possession



20% of the author’s profit from each book sold is donated to organizations that support Autism & Autism research